Appel à Propositions pour le Workshop “Global Island: Taiwan and the World”, Université de Washington, Seattle
19 mars 2018Appel à propositions pour la conférence annuelle de l’Association for Asian Studies avant le 2 août 2018
17 juillet 2018L’AFET a le plaisir de vous transmettre l’appel à communication de l’European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS) pour sa 16ème Conférence Annuelle, qui aura lieu à Nottingham Trent University, UK, du 10 au 12 avril 2019. Le thème de la conférence est:
Recognising Taiwan:
A Conference Exploring Taiwan’s society and Political World
Deadline for abstract submission is on the 31st of August (for regular panels) and 31st of October (for MA panels). Please, send an abstract of 300 words for submission (Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 spacing, 3-5 keywords in Word Document) together with a separate page with your first name, surname, affiliation, status (i.e. Faculty, MA, PhD, Researcher), gender and email contact to ( subject: abstract of SURNAME, Given Name) and cc by 31 August 2018. Panel proposals should be submitted as one document showing the names of panel organisers with personal information as required above and including 3-4 abstracts in the same format as specified above (subject: panel proposal of SURNAME, Given Name)
You can also find the Young Scholar Award Cfp below. Please follow the instructions for submission. Deadline is on the 31st August 2018.